
Leslie Tirado Phephard

At first seeing the deep needs of the area and the people that live their was discouraging thinking how are brief time there could make a difference. For me a better life foundation guatemala and the experiences we had , brought warmth and fullness to my heart and has inspired me to want to do more. Archie and Jackie’s mission ,vision and passion overflows from them, they lead our team to accomplish great things in only 9’days. After being Involved with providing supplies and resources for local hospitals in need , providing hands on medical care , building and delivering bunkbeds and water filters to the families in need. My eyes were opened to what we may feel are small things were bigger things to the people lives we touched.
This quote epitomizes what the Better Life Foundation Guatemala is and does ! Helping one person might not change the whole world, but it could change the world for one person.

As published in Monmouth University publication The Outlook: : Volume 90 (Fall 2017 – Spring 2018) Published: 04 April 2018 Written by ELAINE BANTING |

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