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Patricia Chiu

Our mission trip to Guatemala was a life changing journey for me. Before going to Guatemala and working with the group, I was honestly extremely nervous. I was nervous that I would end up doing something wrong or being that one person who’s going to drag the group down. Upon meeting the group, I felt like we immediately connected as a group and I felt like I was with family. Everyday spent in Guatemala was a gift to me and meeting the families were a blessing. I learned so much as a nursing student and learned even more about being a compassionate human. I was overwhelmed with emotions when I saw the children and adults that came in for a check up at the clinic. Seeing how grateful they were with the minimal amount of help we provided really was an eye opener. I did not realize how minuscule my everyday needs were until I saw the endless line of people waiting outside the clinic for simple vitamins and dewormer. The items and medication we provided is something we can get no problem back in the states, but here, it is something that is considered as a privilege. A bunk bed meant a sleeping space for us in America. But for these families, it is a table, a bonding area, a resting place after a long day of work. I am so appreciative of everything that we did and saw during this trip. Not only was I able to make new life-long friends, but I was also able to put smiles on faces of people who deserve the world. If A Better Life Guatemala would take me again, I would love to do such amazing work with them again and again. Thank you for such a fulfilling time and giving me this opportunity to make this a memorable chapter of my life.

As published in Monmouth University publication The Outlook: : Volume 90 (Fall 2017 – Spring 2018) Published: 04 April 2018 Written by ELAINE BANTING |

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